Article Index
1. Tax Regime
2. Conclusion of the contract and acceptance of the general conditions of sale
3. Purchase methods
4. Payment methods
5. Delivery methods and costs
6. Return - Right of withdrawal and method of exercise
7. Guarantees
8. Limitation of Liability
9. Data Protection
10. Applicable Law
11. Complaints and jurisdiction
12. Validity of these Terms and Conditions of Sale
13. Privacy Policy

This website (hereinafter, only "Site") is a property of EcoGreenShop di Mario Barbagallo (hereinafter, only "EcoGreenShop"), with registered office in Italy, Via Duca degli Abruzzi 30, 95127 Catania (CT), VAT no. IT05055510878, registration in the Catania Company Register no. CT-339791.
These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter only "General Conditions") govern the sale of products marketed and viewable when ordering at the address (URL) of the website www.ecogreenshop.it. All contracts for the purchase of products and services concluded, via the website www.ecogreenshop.it and according to the procedures indicated therein, between the supplier and the customer, including by "telephone", "whatsapp", "email", will be regulated by these General Conditions.
It will not be possible to proceed with purchases without accepting these "General Conditions".

Art. 1. Tax Regime

Art. 2. Conclusion of the contract and acceptance of the general conditions of sale

Art. 3. Purchase Methods

Art. 4. Payment Methods

Art. 5. Delivery Methods and Costs

Art. 6. Returns - Right of withdrawal and methods of exercise

Art. 7. Warranties

Art. 8. Limitation of Liability

Art. 9. Data Protection

Art. 10. Applicable Law

Art. 11. Complaints and Jurisdiction

Art. 12. Validity of these Terms and Condition of Sale

Art. 13. Privacy Policy