1. Tax Regime
2. Conclusion of the contract and acceptance of the general conditions of sale
3. Purchase methods
4. Payment methods
5. Delivery methods and costs
6. Return - Right of withdrawal and method of exercise
7. Guarantees
8. Limitation of Liability
9. Data Protection
10. Applicable Law
11. Complaints and jurisdiction
12. Validity of these Terms and Conditions of Sale
13. Privacy Policy
Art. 1. Tax Regime
1.1 For sales in Italy: Tax Regime: Flat Rate - RF19 - Operation without VAT application pursuant to art.1 co. 54-89, of law no. 190/2014 as amended by law no. 208/2015 and law no. 145/2018 - VAT nature: N2.2
1.2 For sales to European Union member countries: VAT number - VAT rate - EXEMPT - Tax operation carried out pursuant to art. 1, paragraphs 54 to 89 of Law no. 190/2014 – Flat rate regime - It does not constitute an intra-community transfer pursuant to article 41, paragraph 2-bis, of the Legislative Decree. 30 August 1993, n. 331
1.3 For sales to non-EU foreign countries: VAT number - VAT rate - EXEMPT pursuant to art. 8 of Presidential Decree n. 633/1972 - Non-taxable transaction pursuant to art. 21, paragraph 6, letter. b) of Presidential Decree no. 633/1972
Art. 2. Conclusion of the contract and acceptance of the general conditions of sale
2.1 If the Customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases the goods for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial or professional activity carried out, or does not make the purchase by indicating a VAT number reference in the order form), the contracts concluded with EcoGreenShop by accessing the Site are governed by Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206 (Consumer Code). EcoGreenShop also complies with the obligations deriving from Legislative Decree 9 April 2003 n. 70 (Implementation of Directive 2000/31/EC relating to certain legal aspects of information society services in the internal market, with particular reference to electronic commerce).
2.2 The contract stipulated between EcoGreenShop and the Customer must be considered concluded when the order forwarded by the Customer - in compliance with the purchase procedure indicated on the Site - reaches the address of the Site. The order sent by the Customer will be binding for EcoGreenShop only if the entire purchase procedure has been completed regularly and correctly, without any error messages being highlighted by the Site.
EcoGreenShop is not responsible for malfunctions caused by the data transmission network operator.
2.3 By forwarding the order to EcoGreenShop in the various ways provided, the Customer acknowledges and declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the general conditions of sale (mandatory flag before making the purchase order).
Art. 3. Purchase Methods
3.1 The Customer can only purchase the products present in the electronic catalog on the website www.ecogreenshop.it at the time of placing the order and viewable at the address (URL) of the website www.ecogreenshop.it as described in the relevant information sheets. The technical information included on the site faithfully reproduces that of the goods included in the catalogue. EcoGreenShop, therefore, reserves the right to modify/adapt the technical information of the products, without the need for any prior notice. It is understood that the image accompanying the descriptive sheet of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics, and may differ in colour, size, accessory products present in the figure.
3.2 The correct receipt of the order is confirmed by EcoGreenShop by means of a response via e-mail, sent to the e-mail address communicated by the Customer. This confirmation message will contain the order execution date and a 'Customer Order Code', to be used in any further communication with EcoGreenShop. The message presents all the data entered by the Customer who undertakes to verify its correctness and to promptly communicate any corrections and/or omissions.
The buyer is prohibited from entering false, and/or invented, and/or imaginary data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the process for the execution of this contract and the related further communications; the personal data and the e-mail must be exclusively the customer's own personal data and not of third parties, nor imaginary, the supplier reserves the right to legally prosecute any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers. The customer elects domicile in the place indicated in the digital card. By entering their telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses by the customer, they consent to the use of these communication systems by the supplier.
The customer will also be able to check the status of his order by accessing the web area dedicated to him using his login and password under "My orders".
3.3 In the event of non-acceptance of the order, EcoGreenShop undertakes to promptly notify the Customer, using the same methods.
3.4 All prices on the site are intended as retail prices, excluding transport costs. EcoGreenShop reserves the right to change prices at any time, without notice.
3.5 The quantities of product available at the time of the order may be visible on the website www.ecogreenshop.it. Since the simultaneous access of many user-customers and the simultaneous possibility of "online" orders modify the availability of the product, EcoGreenShop does not guarantee the certainty of assignment of the ordered goods until the order itself is visible in the "I" area. my orders" with the status "Closed", provided that the payment or commitment methods set out below have been successful. The "Closed" condition, therefore, may undergo changes due to non-receipt of payment or invalidity or consistency of the data provided by the Customer.
3.6 On certain products, subject to price promotions, EcoGreenShop reserves the right to accept orders by reducing the quantities, subject to communication and acceptance by the Customer, failing which the order will be considered cancelled.
Art. 4. Payment Methods
4.1 Currency accepted: exclusively Euros (€)
4.2 Advance Bank Transfer
In case of payment by advance bank transfer, the amount ordered by the Customer is kept busy only upon receipt of proof of the bank transfer, by sending the bank transfer and the CRO/TRN number via email to info@ecogreenshop.it or via whatsapp on +39 333 80 39 413.
The order will be sent only upon actual crediting to EcoGreenShop's current account, which must take place within 5 working days from the date of acceptance of the order. Once these deadlines have passed, the order is considered automatically cancelled.
The reason for the bank transfer must include:
• Order ID (date and Order Code) which is released in the order confirmation email.
The bank details to which to make transfers are:
Owner: EcoGreenShop by Mario Barbagallo
IBAN: IT 61 S 03015 03200 000006346984
4.3 Debit/Credit Card
In cases of purchasing goods with debit or credit card payment methods, upon conclusion of the online transaction, the relevant banking institution will authorize the amount relating to the purchase made.
The accepted credit cards are all those that rely on the Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, SumUp and Paypal circuits.
4.4 In the event of cancellation of the order, either by the Customer or in the case of non-acceptance of the same by EcoGreenShop, the same will simultaneously request the cancellation of the transaction and the release of the committed amount. Cancellation is possible until the goods are shipped. The release times, for some types of cards, depend exclusively on the banking system and can extend up to their natural expiry (24th day from the authorization date). Once the cancellation of the transaction is requested, in no case can EcoGreenShop be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by delay in the failure to release the committed amount by the banking system.
4.5 EcoGreenShop reserves the right to request from the Customer additional information (e.g. landline telephone number) or to send a copy of documents proving ownership of the Card used. In the absence of the required documentation, EcoGreenShop reserves the right not to accept the order.
4.6 At no time during the purchase procedure is EcoGreenShop able to know the information relating to the buyer's credit card, as it is entered directly on the website of the banking institution that manages the transaction (with very high security systems); as there is no data transmission, there is no possibility that this data will be intercepted. No EcoGreenShop computer archive contains or stores such data. Under no circumstances can EcoGreenShop be held responsible for any fraudulent or improper use of credit cards by third parties, upon payment for products purchased directly on the website www.ecogreenshop.it or in the various methods provided for in this document.
Art. 5. Delivery Methods and Costs
5.1 EcoGreenShop on the website www.ecogreenshop.it can only accept orders for delivery in the territory of the Italian state and the member countries of the European Union (EU). Any orders for delivery to other countries can be managed by prior agreement.
5.2 For each order placed on www. ecogreenshop.it EcoGreenShop issues a Commercial Document or, if expressly requested by the private customer, an Invoice for the material shipped. In the case of an invoice, the Italian private customer must also provide their Tax Code. For the issuing of the sales document (commercial document or invoice), the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order is valid. No changes in the sales document will be possible after its issuance. In case of purchase by a professional customer, or by a person with a VAT number, the document issued will be exclusively an Invoice.
5.3 Shipping costs are borne by the Customer and are explicitly highlighted at the time the order is placed. Depending on current promotions, shipping costs may be offered for free. Payment for the goods by the Customer will take place using the method chosen at the time of the order. No additional expenses or commissions are due to EcoGreenShop.
5.4 Delivery times for the goods ordered are normally between 1 and 3 working days for deliveries within Italian territory (between 3 and 7 working days for deliveries abroad, in EU member countries). The same may be subject to variations due to force majeure or due to traffic conditions and road conditions in general or by act of the Authority or for remote locations or islands. Standard delivery in Italy, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, will take place at the following times: from 8.30 to 12.30; from 2.00pm to 6.00pm, every day, except holidays, from Monday to Friday.
5.5 In the case of delivery by express courier, the courier makes the first delivery without notice. In case of absence of the Customer, the courier leaves a notice and attempts delivery again within the following 24 hours; in case of further absence, a notice is left again and the customer is contacted by the courier for the third attempt. If this is also unsuccessful, the Customer will be contacted by EcoGreenShop who will define the delivery details. If the fourth attempt is also unsuccessful, the goods will be returned to EcoGreenShop, with consequent cancellation of the order and nothing will be due to the Customer.
5.6 In the event of failure to collect the material in stock at the courier's warehouses within 5 working days due to repeated impossibility of delivery to the address indicated by the Customer at the time of the order, the ordered items will be returned to the departure location, or that of EcoGreenShop or that of the Supplier in the case of shipments carried out in triangulation (dropshipping)
5.7 No responsibility can be attributed to EcoGreenShop in the event of a delay in the delivery of the ordered goods, as it is managed by transport companies external to the company.
The supplier assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable to force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, riots, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods, damage to computer systems, system failures, and other similar events that prevent, in in whole or in part, to execute the contract within the agreed times.
5.8 Delivery of what is ordered is intended to be at street level unless otherwise communicated by our customer service. Upon delivery of the goods by the courier, the Customer is required to check:
• that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated on the invoice;
• that the packaging is intact, not damaged, nor wet or, in any case, altered, even in the closing materials (adhesive tape or metal straps).
Any damage to the product or mismatch in the number of packages or indications must be immediately reported to the courier carrying out the delivery, by adding the wording "withdrawal with reserve" on the appropriate transport document and confirmed within seven days via email to info@ecogreenshop.it or pec to ecogreenshop@pec.it or by registered letter with return receipt. addressed to EcoGreenShop, Via Duca degli Abruzzi 30, 95127 Catania CT.
5.9 Even if the packaging is intact, the goods must be checked within 48 hours of receipt. Any hidden anomalies must be reported in writing by email or certified email, preferably, if possible, accompanying the report with photos or videos that highlight the problem encountered. Any report beyond the aforementioned deadlines will not be taken into consideration. For each declaration, the customer assumes full responsibility for what is declared. Once the courier's document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objection regarding the external characteristics of what was delivered.
5.10 The delivery costs of the goods will be added from time to time as indicated in the order procedure, and are borne by the customer, unless otherwise indicated.
5.11 Delivery costs to "remote/disadvantaged Italian areas", smaller Italian islands, the Venice Lagoon, Livigno, ZTL: For these destinations, an additional contribution is applied to the cost of delivery by express courier to be quantified before processing the order. If the Customer's Postal Code (Post Code) is included in the list of so-called "remote areas", the site may not allow you to proceed with the independent purchase or, in some cases, it could apply the extra costs foreseen by the Courier. However, from the product's page you nned, is always possible to Ask a Quote which we'll indicate the actual delivery costs.
Art. 6. Returns - Right of withdrawal and methods of exercise
6.1 The right of withdrawal is reserved exclusively for the Consumer and not for the Professional Customer, in compliance with current legislation on the matter. The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase, without indicating the reasons, within 14 days.
The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and the designated Consumer, acquires physical possession of the goods.
6.2 To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer is required to contact EcoGreenShop via PEC ( ecogreenshop@pec.it ) or registered letter with return receipt, communicating the decision to withdraw from the contract through an explicit declaration, and mandatorily providing all the information necessary to identify the order (order number and date, indication of the product you want to return, date of receipt of the product, method of receiving the refund).
To comply with the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send the communication relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period expires.
6.3 The Consumer, unless a different destination is communicated by EcoGreenShop, must send the goods directly to EcoGreenShop, Via Duca degli Abruzzi 30, 95127 Catania (CT), or deliver them to the courier authorized by the latter to receive the goods, without undue delay and in any case within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which you communicated your withdrawal from the purchase to EcoGreenShop. The deadline is met if the Consumer sends back or delivers the goods before the 14 day period has expired. To comply with the reshipment deadline, the date on which the goods will be delivered to the courier or the date on which the goods will be sent to the EcoGreenShop address will prevail.
The direct costs of returning the goods will be borne by the Consumer.
6.4 The Consumer is responsible only for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling of the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
6.5 In the event that the Consumer sends back damaged products, not returned within the aforementioned deadline, open and/or partially used products, not properly or incompletely packaged, or in which certain parts, such as components, are missing or have been damaged, elements, accessories, packaging materials, boxes, once the seals, documentation and/or other objects have been removed, the right of withdrawal lapses entirely.
6.6 In the cases indicated above, EcoGreenShop reserves the right to refuse the return and refund of the products, returning the purchased goods to the Consumer and charging the shipping costs to the Consumer.
6.7 In accordance with the provisions of current legislation, returns of food products such as confectionery products, coffee pods and capsules, chocolate and, more generally, products that risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly will not normally be accepted; goods made to measure or clearly personalized, newspapers, periodicals and magazines, betting and lottery services, and in other cases that the law expressly excludes and places as exceptions to the right of withdrawal. It will also not be possible to accept the return of food products "in contact with drinking water" or filters and membranes which are previously sealed as they are intended for water treatment for "human consumption". Likewise, PPE cannot be returned which, if unpackaged and used, would become unsellable.
6.8 Effects of withdrawal: In the event that the Consumer withdraws from the contract within the times and in the manner previously described and without prejudice to what EcoGreenShop may object to according to what has been written so far, the same will be reimbursed for all payments made to EcoGreenShop, possibly including of delivery costs, without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 45 working days from receipt of the registered letter (i.e. within 15 days from receipt of the returned product).
6.9 EcoGreenShop is not required to reimburse additional costs if the consumer has expressly chosen a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of delivery offered by EcoGreenShop itself.
6.10 The obligation to return may also be suspended in the event that EcoGreenShop has had to formulate complaints as provided for by what is written in the previous points.
6.11 The priority refund method will be the same used at the time of purchase. However, the Consumer, in derogation of the provisions of art. 56 of the Consumer Code, expressly agrees that such refunds may be made by bank transfer to the current account indicated in the withdrawal, unless otherwise agreed with EcoGreenShop.
6.12 In accordance with current legislation, EcoGreenShop reserves the right to suspend the reimbursement until receipt of the goods or until the Consumer demonstrates that he has sent the goods back, whichever is earlier.
Art. 7. Warranties
7.1 The Consumer benefits from both the legal guarantee and, where existing, the Manufacturer's conventional (commercial) guarantee; the professional customer, however, benefits only from the Manufacturer's conventional (commercial) guarantee, where existing.
7.2 To benefit from the guarantee, whether legal or conventional, the Customer must keep the sales document (commercial document or invoice) and contact EcoGreenShop via the contact form on the website www.ecogreenshop.it or via email to info@ecogreenshop. it .
7.3 All products sold by EcoGreenShop to the Consumer are covered by the 24-month legal guarantee for defects of conformity pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2002 and subsequent amendments. and articles 128 et seq. of Legislative Decree 206/2005.
7.4 In order to be able to start the verification procedure of the actual existence of the lack of conformity (hereinafter "Verification Procedure"), the Consumer must contact EcoGreenShop, showing the purchase invoice (or commercial document) of the Product to the latter. EcoGreenShop, having verified the actual purchase of the Product by the Consumer on the Website, will open the Verification Procedure.
7.5 The Consumer must therefore mandatorily send, at his own expense, the Product to EcoGreenShop, to allow the verification to start, at the address indicated by him at the time of opening the Verification Procedure.
7.6 If EcoGreenShop were to ascertain the existence of a lack of conformity, it will replace it with an identical one or, in the event of stocks running out and subject to agreement with the Consumer, with one of equivalent value.
7.7 The costs of replacing the product will be borne by EcoGreenShop and the shipping costs will be fully reimbursed to the Consumer upon mandatory receipt by the latter of suitable and proven supporting documentation (receipt/invoice relating to the shipping costs incurred).
7.8 If, however, EcoGreenShop does not find the lack of conformity, all shipping costs will be paid in full by the Consumer.
7.9 The right of recourse pursuant to art. is expressly excluded. 134 Consumer Code by the professional customer towards EcoGreenShop.
7.10 An in-depth analysis of the Legal Guarantee and the Commercial Guarantee can be consulted on this page
Art. 8. Limitation of Liability
8.1 To the extent permitted by law, EcoGreenShop declines all responsibility for disservices attributable to force majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events which prevent, in whole or in part, execute the sales agreement within the agreed times.
8.2 Except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence, EcoGreenShop is solely responsible for direct and foreseeable damages at the time of conclusion of the sales contract. EcoGreenShop will therefore not be responsible for any losses suffered, lost profits or any other damage that is not an immediate and direct consequence of EcoGreenShop's non-fulfillment or that was not foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract.
8.3 EcoGreenShop will not be liable to any party for damages, losses and costs suffered as a result of failure to execute the sales agreement for the causes mentioned above, or for damages, losses and costs suffered as a result of use or the impossibility of using the products purchased from the EcoGreenShop Site, the Customer having the right only to the possible replacement of the goods or refund of the price paid, excluding shipping costs.
8.4 Likewise, EcoGreenShop is not responsible for any fraudulent or illicit use, which may be made by third parties, of credit and debit cards, checks and other means of payment when paying for the products purchased. EcoGreenShop, in fact, is not able to know the buyer's credit card number at any time during the purchase procedure; at the same time EcoGreenShop is not able to control the correct and lawful origin of the credit document that is delivered by the Customer upon receipt of the goods.
Art. 9. Data Protection
9.1 Please refer to EcoGreenShop's Privacy Policy for details LINK
Art. 10. Applicable Law
10.1 These "Terms and Conditions of Sale" are governed by Italian law and must be interpreted in accordance with the same.
Art. 11. Complaints and Jurisdiction
11.1 Any complaints must be addressed to EcoGreenShop, with registered office in Italy, Via Duca degli Abruzzi 30, Catania (CT).
11.2 The sales contract between the Customer and EcoGreenShop is governed by Italian law. For the resolution of civil and criminal disputes arising from the conclusion of this distance selling contract, if the Customer is a consumer, the territorial jurisdiction is that of the reference court of his Municipality of residence, on Italian territory; in all other cases, the territorial jurisdiction is exclusively that of the Court of Catania.
11.3 In compliance with the European directive, EcoGreenShop adheres to the ODR platform made available by the European Commission for the online resolution of disputes. If necessary, the European Consumer can use this tool at the following link https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Art. 12. Validity of these Terms and Condition of Sale
12.1 In the event of a conflict between the provisions contained in the FAQs of the EcoGreenShop Site and the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions of Sale, the latter will prevail.
It is expressly excluded from now on that the partial nullity of this contract could overwhelm its entire content.
12.2 The conditions contained in this document may be modified by EcoGreenShop without any notice and will be valid from the date of publication on the website www.ecogreenshop.it
Last update: 02/27/2024
Art. 13. Privacy Policy
13.1 Pursuant to Legislative Decree. n.196/2003 and article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016, we inform you that the processing of personal data will be carried out according to lawfulness and correctness following an obligation deriving from a contract of which the interested party is a party or from laws and regulations, from carrying out economic activities both on IT and paper supports by our representatives and that within the limits of the applicable legislation, the interested party has the right to request, at any time, access to the Personal Data, rectification or cancellation of the same or of oppose their processing, the limitation of processing and to obtain the data concerning him in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. The interested party also has the right, at any time, to revoke his freely given consent. Pursuant to the Applicable Regulations, you have in any case the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data) if you believe that the processing of Personal Data is contrary to current legislation. Please refer to the complete privacy policy LINK. The Data Controller is EcoGreenShop di Mario Barbagallo, with registered office in Italy, Via Duca degli Abruzzi 30, Catania (CT), VAT number IT05055510878 and registration in the Catania Company Register number CT-339791.